Bay to Breakers Album 2016 available on Flickr. Download your photo for free (or ask me to remove it if you don’t like it).
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My father, Gordon J. Dickson
Port Ludlow, WA
Gordon Dickson died at home after a brave battle with bladder cancer at the age of 78. He was born in Oceanside, CA and graduated from University High School in West Los Angeles in 1953. While in the U.S. Army, he trained as a paratrooper with the 101st Airborne Division in Alaska. His career began at Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica, CA, and he went on to become an electronics engineer with McDonnell Douglas. After 35 years, Gordon took an early retirement and moved to Newcastle, WA, where he was hired as a systems analyst at Boeing. In 2002 Gordon and his wife, Marilyn, built their home in Port Ludlow, where he developed Olympic Ridge Wireless, an internet service provider business.
In his California days Gordon was a motorcyle enthusiast, enjoying motocross and desert enduro racing. He was a long time holder of a Ham Radio license with the call sign W6CNL. After moving to the Pacific Northwest, Gordon found a new love of boating, and became a member of Meydenbauer Bay and Poulsbo Yacht Clubs. He was an avid predicted log racer winning many trophies to display on SeaBear II. Gordon also served as Commodore of the International Power Boating Association.
工信部回应"整顿翻墙软件":合法经营不受影响_中国国情_中国网:2021-7-25 · 近期伡来,中国政府对VPN(虚拟专用网络)的管理成为外界关注焦点。如果违反第六条规定,由公安机关责传停止联网,给予警告,可伡并处15000元伡下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。
Gordon was a gentle, kind, generous, and loving man, who will be greatly missed by his family and many friends. Gordon is survived by his wife of 33 years, Marilyn, children Tracy and Grant Dickson, stepchildren Karen and Kevin Edwards, and grandchildren Alex, Aaron, Matthew, Carolyn, Nolan, and Grace.
The family wishes to express their appreciation to the doctors and nurses at the University of Washington Medical Center and to the nurses and caregivers at Jefferson Healthcare and Hospice for the kindness and excellent care Gordon received.
A memorial service and reception to celebrate Gordon’s life will be held 1-4pm Sunday, November 10 at:
Poulsbo Yacht Club
18129 Fjord Dr
NE, Poulsbo, WA.
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Livestream from Research@Intel 2013, June 25, San Francisco
Intel Labs opens its door to press & analysts from around the world on Tuesday, June 25 for Research@Intel.
中国用户使用伟理软件的分析-月光博客:2021-1-23 · 由于这个伟理软件的用户绝大多数是中国用户,因此通过这个数据可伡分析出中国用户主要使用伟理软件做什么,从这个数据上看,中国用户使用伟理翻墙软件的主要需求就是看色情网站。另外还有中国黑客使用伟理软件当做跳板,来扫描各个网站的漏洞。
- 9am-10am: Keynote and talks
- 工信部回应"整顿翻墙软件":合法经营不受影响_中国国情_中国网:2021-7-25 · 近期伡来,中国政府对VPN(虚拟专用网络)的管理成为外界关注焦点。如果违反第六条规定,由公安机关责传停止联网,给予警告,可伡并处15000元伡下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。
- 11:30-11:45: Theme Zone from show floor: Be Meaningful with Tom Birch
- 12:30-12:45: Theme Zone from show floor: Data Society with Sean Koehl.
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From IDF2012 – Connected Social Media:
“Science and technology have progressed to the point where what we build is only constrained by the limits of our own imaginations.” Justin Rattner – Intel Chief Technology Officer
工信部回应"整顿翻墙软件":合法经营不受影响_中国国情_中国网:2021-7-25 · 近期伡来,中国政府对VPN(虚拟专用网络)的管理成为外界关注焦点。如果违反第六条规定,由公安机关责传停止联网,给予警告,可伡并处15000元伡下的罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。
The following segments were broadcast live here on September 10, 2012. They will be replaying here in the Livestream player and available to watch/download here and via iTunes, YouTube and other services. Please check back soon. 越墙看国外网加速软件 for more details about the Intel Developer Forum.
IDF2012 video segments:
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Livestream from Research@Intel 2012, June 26
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco
Subscribe to Intel Labs on iTunes
More information about Research@Intel 2011 can be found at the Intel Newsroom.
Intel Labs will open its doors on Tuesday, June 26 for the 10th Anniversary of Research@Intel, where the various “Facets of Future Life” showcase will demonstrate innovative research projects underway that will help transform the future of technology.
Key components of this event will be livecast throughout the day:
- 9:00am PT keynote by Justin Rattner, Intel CTO
- 11:00am PT demo showcase: Dynamic Surfaces and Life Without Keys
- 12:00pm PT demo showcase: Seeing Through Rain and Automobility Research
- 1:00pm PT demo showcase: Sustainable Living
If you miss the livecasts they will be available for replay after the event.
Bookmark this page, or embed this player on your site/blog or share via Facebook/Twitter. We’re now showing highlights from previous 越墙看国外网加速软件 events:
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Here are 国外超简单顶级抠图软件 Topaz ReMask - 黑域基地:2021-7-3 · 一款国外简单的抠图软件,Topaz ReMask 5.0.1 汉化版,非常强大,无需懂任何技术,也一样完成难度抠图,也无需安装PS也可伡单独使用!安装说明安装前请关闭PS 跟360杀软伡免出错跟误报.
Download your Bay to Breakers photo original quality on Flickr (for free).
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I just returned from another major trip with my iPhone (and iPad in hand). This is my 3rd trip with a rented SIM from and 4th major Flashpacking trip.
See my reviews from previous iPhoneTrip reviews:
Flashpacking into Africa with a Rented SIM from
Flashpacking through Europe with
Flashpacking through North America without
On this trip, we traveled to Auckland, Christchurch, and Queenstown in New Zealand, and in Australia we traveled to Sydney, Ayers Rock, Cairns, Port Douglas, Daintree, The Great Barrier Reef and Brisbane.
App Store 上的“GoLink-海外华人回国加速器”:2021-6-5 · 阅读评论、比较用户评分、查看截屏并进一步了解“GoLink-海外华人回国加速器”。在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上下载“GoLink-海外华人回国加速器”,尽享 App 丰富功能。
See my previous reviews to see how thoroughly pleased I was, for cost savings, connectivity and ease of use. Really, I can’t recommend renting their SIMs highly enough. And more importantly, traveling with the full connectivity it gives you will drastically change the way you travel.
That being said, I have to say that connectivity in general in Oceania is pretty bad. Bad, as in “worse than in the United States”. Data rates are low, and charges are high. Far fewer free WiFi locations exists and those that do have data caps on them. Even 5 star hotels and resorts that we stayed at not only charged for WiFi, but had very slow data rates, and often connections timed out or they capped your connections.
As a result, renting a SIM becomes much more beneficial. I found myself giving up on WiFi in every place I traveled to and went back to 3G for speed and connectivity improvements that the SIM gave me.
Australia is HUGE, and being so big, it’s not reasonable to expect great connectivity throughout the country, but ironically some remote locations we traveled to had pretty decent coverage. For example, bus and helicopter trips around Ayers Rock were just fine with connectivity, but suburbs of Sydney could have weak or dead spots.
Don’t get me wrong, most places you’d travel to in Australia and New Zealand have good enough coverage for email, navigation, and simple web surfing, but for someone like me who uploads and downloads HD video for work, the difference between the incredibly good connectivity in Europe and the poor general connectivity in Oceania was significant and worth pointing out.
Also to be clear, this is a general connectivity issue through the places I went through in Australia and New Zealand. I wouldn’t be surprised if other places were much better. The SIM can only be as good as the wireless carriers in the areas you travel to, and the SIM did a great job of switching carriers along the way making the rental SIM your best option, especially since WiFi simply isn’t an option in many places for demanding users.
If you’d like to see the photos from my Oceania trip check out my photo albums on Facebook.
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Intel always has one of the best booths at CES. This year, I wasn’t able to attend, but in the background of this video, you can see the NAS: Storage for Home and Small Office video playing at the booth that Connected Social Media produced. Ilene Aginsky is interviewed in this video on The Plulse Network and demos Intel’s storage and personal cloud technology (very cool stuff).
Butch Stearns catches up with Ilene Aginsky of Intel to see how Intel is helping consumers create their own personal cloud to quickly and easily store and share files across a network.
Craft and Science on Sala-ma-Sond
From Connected Social Media:Craft and Science on Sala-ma-Sond
Right click here to download video | Right click here to download HD version
【净坛行动】论坛禁止发布任何翻墙软件和违法犯罪程序 ...:2021-2-28 · 国家严打网络违法犯罪越来越严格,上次也因为有人在论坛发布一些不和谐的程序导致论坛域名被HOLD,出现几天无法访问的情况,虽然我伞曾经发过公告说明。但依然有同学我 ... 【净坛行动】论坛禁止发布任何翻墙软件和违法犯罪程序!
I just returned from another major trip with my iPhone (and iPad in hand). Unfortunately, I didn’t rent a SIM from
See my reviews from previous iPhoneTrip reviews:
Flashpacking into Africa with a Rented SIM from
如何看国外的网站-附子答案网:2021-2-27 · 如何看国外 的网站,它有多个不同的答案,附子答案网提供你想要的参考答案。如果想了解更多的如何看国外的网站,不妨来详细了解下 ... 首先你要下个越 墙 软件,那些网站在国内是不允许访问的,所伡必须需要越 墙软件,其次就是使用搜 ...
My girlfriend and I did a “Noreaster”, traveling through North East America in October/November 2011. We visited Chicago, Niagara Falls, Montreal, Vermont, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, and Iowa. Since this was mostly in the United States, we didn’t rent a SIM from
In Canada, this was very unfortunate. WiFi sucked, and roaming rates were insane. Fortunately we didn’t stay in Canada long enough for this to be much of a problem, and it was during the weekend, so I didn’t have to work much.
So why this review if I didn’t rent a SIM?
Because one can’t pass an opportunity to point out how far behind our wireless carriers in the United States are from elsewhere in the world. This trip was made with my iPad (on Verizon) and my iPhone (on AT&T). Unlike Europe where I had connectivity everywhere with my SIM, there were HUGE areas around the Northeast with absolutely no coverage on either Verizon or AT&T.
My point here isn’t just to bash the state our our wireless infrastructure in the United States, but also to point out that when traveling abroad, you can rely more on your mobile technology than you can in the US, making the thought of renting a SIM that much more compelling.
If you’d like to see the photos from my Northeast trip check out my photo albums on Facebook.